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Growing enterprising and innovation skills

At Ignite, we are committed to helping individuals develop the necessary innovation skills to thrive in today's fast-paced world. Our focus is on fostering innovation and entrepreneurship through various programmes such as CO.STARTERS and consulting services. Our team takes pride in thinking outside the box and approaching challenges with creativity and innovation. We understand that traditional methods may not always be effective, which is why we work closely with our clients to gain insight into their unique needs and goals. By leveraging our extensive network of connections, we provide the necessary resources and support for success.

At Ignite, we are more than just a training programme or coaching service. We are a community-focused hub for entrepreneurship and innovation. We believe that collaboration and sharing lead to the best ideas, and we strive to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for all our clients.

Join us today and let us help you unlock your full potential.

Our Services

A 10-week programme equipping you with tools, networks and insights for your business/idea.

Ignite Lab

Co-creation & facilitation of enterprising programmes & workshops to build innovation skills.

Ignite Lift

Consulting & project management services focused on entrepreneurship and innovation skills.